Our team of tutors are comprised of highly skilled educators who are dedicated to unlocking each student’s full potential!
Summer Online Camp 2020
Join our inspiring community of experts for a fun, interactive, and valuable Summer live online camp for middle and high students.
Theater Reading
In this 5-day online camp, students will read and analyze plays while fully understanding and appreciating character development, stage presence, and history.
Led by: John Powell, ELA Teacher
1 week, Monday – Friday
July 20 – 24, 2020
10 a.m – 1 p.m.
Ages 11 – 14
The Fundamentals of Writing Online
In this 5-day online camp, students will learn how to tailor their writing for the digital space and market their skills to a potential employer.
Led by: Jen Ruiz, Travel Blogger and Author, Jen o a Jet Plane
1 week, Monday – Friday
July 20 – 24, 2020
10 a.m. – 1 p.,m.
Ages 14 – 17
Our Impact
Learning Matters, Inc. is a full-service educational provider of individualized tutoring, small group tutoring, enrichment programs, and educational planning consultations. We tutor kindergarten-through-college students in all academic subjects. To advance educational achievement and make academic success accessible to all students, we provide services in a range of settings.
Our Services
What We Offer
Our team of skilled tutors works with each student to determine an individualized evaluation of each student’s strengths and weaknesses, and then tailors a unique program to address specific needs and objectives in order to achieve the greatest level of learning success!
Core Subject Tutoring
We offer tutoring in all core subjects from Kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond.
Academic Coaching
We strive to empower each student to achieve his or her academic and personal potential.
Enrichment Programs
We empower students to achieve success both inside and outside of the classroom.
Parent Services Center
Our parents appreciate the wide array of support and services offered to them.